About Me

Coach Jeff

I’m excited to help individuals 40 years and older discover a longer healthspan. I believe in the power of keeping it simple and simply getting started. I don’t think I’m unique in my desire to live functionally (mind and body) for as long as I can… if not for me, for my family.

I hated High School. I was awkward. Always the interloper, I never really fit in with any social group. I was a decent athlete and sports was my outlet not only physically, but emotionally and socially, as well. That was the start. Since then I have been driven to help as many individuals as possible find this same sense of peace and progress.

I am grateful to have the support of my loving family- a beautiful and loving partner and my two wild and crazy kids. I do my absolute best to prioritize family and fitness. But balance, work-life and workout-life balance, I’ve found, is as important as it is elusive.

When I’m not playing dinosaurs or swimming with my kids… I’m in the gym. I’m a California guy. I love walking the beach and just floating in the ocean.

My eBook “It’s a Start” is a compilation of years of personal training experience distilled into 3 main themes- Strength Training, Stability, and Nutrition.

Your journey is just beginning. It is never too late. It’s a marathon. And this is a start.


Our Story

Why do I coach?

Coaching is meaningful work. There is no greater honor or joy than seeing someone transform their life through fitness.


Our Approach

Holistic Fitness

Life is hard. Everyone needs a coach and I think emotional regulation, mental healthy, and longevity can all be improved through fitness.



Achieve Fitness

Together we will craft a game plan that includes: Strength Training, Cardio, Balance and Nutrition.


Our Mission

Empowering You Through

I offer 1:1 online and in-person coaching.

Start your journey to a long and happy life

Discover the secrets to longevity through strength training, core stability, balance, and nutrition